Luna Jongsma

I’m Luna a time-based media artist/student with a background in graphic and illustration design.

Driven by a passion for storytelling and atmosphere, I create immersive experiences that engage and interact with audiences.



LIGHT FESTIVAL - Hanze Honours
Fraeylemaborg, Slochteren
10/12/2024 - 15/12/2024

SURSUM CORDA Kamerkoor Moderato Cantabille
Martinikerk, Groningen

SURSUM CORDA Kamerkoor Moderato Cantabille
St. Bonifatius kerk, Leeuwarden

Light installation
Second floor, Minerva open day
Academie Minerva, Gedempte Zuiderdiep

Green Is Art Festival
Pionier, Groningen

NP3 | M0BI X Hanze Honours
14/06/24 - 20/06/24

Terug naar het begin
Mariakerk, ‘T Zandt

WERC Projectweek


LIGHT FESTIVAL - Hanze Honours
Fraeylemaborg, Slochteren
10/12/2024 - 15/12/2024

E-Motion class exhibition
Grand Theatre, Groningen
02/24 excact date still unknown

Research project

Momenteel ben ik bezig met een onderzoek naar gehoor. Gehoor als symbool in kunst en het oor als symbool in kunst. 

De installatie is te zien op 7 februari in het Grand theater.

Bleached by light,  Fraeylemaborg
Installation during Licht op Fraeylemaborg

For this unique location, we had the opportunity to design a light installation inspired by the historic practice of bleaching clothing, which once took place on this field. Using reflective fabrics and white light, we aimed to symbolize a clothesline and bring this historical narrative to life in a contemporary way.

Verhaal door Fraeylemaborg:
Een vrolijke cikel van witte verlicht het grasveld achter de borg. Eens was dit het bleekveld, de plek waar was gebleekt wer. Als je vanaf hier naar de borg kijkt, zie je rechts een trap naar het water. Hiervandaan voeren dienstmeiden met een bootje vol wasgoed naar de overkant. Op het gras was voldoende ruimte om de was uit te leggemn en te laten bleken in de zon. Zon en zuurstof werkten als vlekverwijderaar.

Dit verleden heeft tweede en derdejaars studenten van Academie Minerva geinspireerd bij het maken van hun gezamelijke kunstwerk “bleached by light” oftewel “gebleekt door het licht” Met hun kunstwerk geven ze vorm aan een van de vele verhalen die bij fraeylemaborg rijk is.

De installatie is te zien van 11 tot en met 15 december tijdens het Lichtfestival bij de Fraeylemaborg in Slochteren.

SURSUM CORDA,  Moderato Cantabille
Sound reactive light installation

This installation is part of a collaboration between three artists and the Moderato Cantabile choir. The works are presented live during their concerts in Martinikerk, Groningen and St. Bonifatiuskerk, Leeuwarden.

With the assigment of making something that has a live interaction to a choir I made 5 audio reactive lamps that work on the intensity of the music. Together with a minimal lamp design I created a peacefull and subtle light installation that fits together with the concert and the other artists creating live work.

The other artists involved in this project are
Gaby Jansen and Yasmin Hasan.

This project was possible with the help of Susanne Luurs.


Sound reactive light installation, process video

Here’s a preview of the work I’m creating for a live, reactive light installation, which will be featured at the end of November. This installation is part of a collaboration between three artists and the Moderato Cantabile choir. The works will be presented live during their concerts in Groningen and Leeuwarden.

The other artists involved in this project are
Gaby Jansen and Yasmin Hasan

Body Tracking, process 2

part 2 of this process is mapping not only the skeleton of the body. Its mapping your features and detecting the color of it.

The next part of this process will be collecting data from a heat camera and projecting that onto the different features I have now mapped out.


Body Tracking, process

This process is part of a larger project called BODY HEAT MAP. In this project, I’m focusing on mapping a person’s body heat and then using that data to create a live projection back onto their body. It’s not an easy task because translating real-time data onto a moving object comes with its own set of challenges.

The trick is to make sure that as the person moves, the projection keeps up and aligns perfectly with their body. It’s all about capturing those heat patterns and displaying them in a way that feels seamless and immersive.

Looking ahead, this installation will be part of an exhibition at the GRAND THEATRE in Groningen.

For this phase of the project, I’m using TouchDesigner, which really helps in handling the complex visual aspects and real-time interactivity I need.


Digital Dialogue

Our project is all about creating a digital dialogue. 
Together with Shiona Shimizu, I build an electronic piano where each note is a word from our conversation. This lets us communicate through music, simply by looking at each other. Every performance is different, as the notes and meanings constantly change.

Shiona made an animation that shifts and adapts, adding a visual element that’s always changing, just like our conversation. The result is a unique blend of music, visuals, and interaction that speaks for itself.


Sugar full of ants

A very nice introduction of the new school year with a project that connected us to each other and our childhoods.

Right click here to watch the full video

This project is a 3 day collaboration together with:


Nature takes selfies

Designed to capture the essence of the natural world, this camera automatically takes selfies when the wind blows, providing a glimpse into life when no one is around.

Click here to see how it works

And here to see what pictures the wind took

This work was exhibited at Pionier, Groningen during the 
Green Is Art Festival - 28/06/24


Empty Space

We aimed to research space and how people move within it. How much space does a person need to take the next step? What kind of traces do people leave behind, and does that influence the choices of others? These were the questions we posed and investigated during this experiment. How this experiment works: Each person receives yarn to carry along. The yarn will mark your route and, over time, make it more challenging for other walkers along this path.

In collaboration between:
Hanze Honours and NP3|M0BI

Together with:
Yasmin Hasan
Zoe Brandsma
Prisha Goyal

Yasmin Hasan

This work was exhibited at NP3 | M0BI during the 
Hanze Honours EMPTY SPACE exhibition and 
Minerva Graduation show 2024
14/06/24 - 20/06/24

